Friday, August 6, 2010

And I'm Rambling Again...

Things you may or may not know about me...

I have a strange fascination with prison shows. I don't know what it is, but I will watch any and all shows that have to do with prison. It simply amazes me how different states run their correctional institutions, and how successful some have been with "rehabilitating" prisoners.

I cannot cook to save my life. How sad is that? I mean, I could probably follow a boxed cake mix recipe if I had to, but beyond that I'm helpless. And I think cakes is baking not cooking, right? I can heat up soup, make toast, microwave meals, and fix a mean bowl of cereal. Sometimes I think I should take classes to learn how to cook, but then I remember I would be hard-pressed to find time for another extracurricular activity.

I wish I knew how to knit. I've tried to teach myself a few times, and I suck. I even bought a "Knitting for Dummies" book and I still can't do it. Who wants to teach me?

I used to collect My Little Ponies. Ok, I say "used to" because I haven't bought one in a long time, but I do still hold quite a large collection. They remind me of my childhood and a happy, innocent time in my life. No judgy eyes! ;)

I love my dogs...a lot. Because my mom was there when I rescued both of them, I worry that if I lose them, I'll lose one of my last remaining connections to my mom. How ridiculous is that?

I have a musical obsession. I'm sure if you even slightly know me, you could name my top two well as my favorite songs by them.

I miss a lot of people, a lot of the time. I hate that some of the people I'm closest to live so far away. But it makes our time together that much sweeter, and I couldn't ask for a greater group of friends in my life.

I hate clowns. HATE. There is NOTHING funny or amusing about a clown. I hope Water for Elephants doesn't have too many clowns. Otherwise, the movie will be ruined for me.

I need a passport. I didn't lose my passport in a strip club or anything, I just need to get one.

Daniel Tosh always make me laugh. I can be having the worst day, but I throw on an old episode of Tosh and I'm giggling within minutes. He rocks my socks.

I love memories. I love laughing, crying, reminiscing about memories with friends. I love when my friends and I retell the same story over and over and still find it funny. I love being able to finally remember all the good memories of my mom. The idea of developing something like Alzheimer's and losing all my memories terrifies me.

A year ago today, I saw Marcus Foster for the first time...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'd Never

It's hard to believe that just over a year ago, I'd never heard of Marcus Foster, Sam Bradley, and Bobby Long. It amazes me how three musicians have had such a tremendous impact on my life. This has been a year of changes for me, and it all started with me discovering Marcus's music. A year ago...

I'd never had friends that spanned the United States, Canada, and parts of the UK.
I'd never posted on Twitter.
I'd never traveled across the United States to see a musician.
I'd never met someone in-person who'd I'd only spoken with online.
I'd never had so many emotions associated with one artist's music.
I'd never taken a Greyhound Bus.
I'd never been to Memphis or Nashville.
I'd never laughed and cried so many times in one night.
I'd never gone to a concert by myself.
I'd never walked around Hotel Cafe and seen so many familiar faces.
I'd never taken two Disney virgins to Disneyland.
I'd never had friends who live 1,000+ miles away from be the first people I turn to when I have a problem.
I'd never taken and tweeted so many pictures.
I'd never fangirled over a musician.
I'd never met people so similar to and so different from myself...and loved them all!
I'd never realized how much drama can surround three British men.
I'd never used Skype.
I'd never loved tweets that began with "Hello" and ended with "x"
I'd never wanted a damn setlist so badly in my life.
I'd never found getting lost so friggin' funny.
I'd never been so excited to have someone "famous-to-me" follow me on Twitter.
I'd never called someone from a concert.
I'd never heard of Alan Pownall.
I'd never said "ya'll" like it was part of my everyday speech.
I'd never been to a private party with a musician.
I'd never hosted a private party with a musician.
I'd never realized how much goes into a tour.
I'd never hated the paparazzi as much as I do now.
I'd never watched so many videos on YouTube.
I'd never told people "You just have to see him live to understand" so many times in my life.
I'd never delivered a fruit basket.
I'd never heard of fanfiction.
I'd never missed people so much.
I'd never truly appreciated "no-name" actors and musicians.
I'd never gone to a midnight showing of a movie.
I'd never heard of silly bandz.
I'd never had friends who truly understood the connections I have to music.
I'd never "squeeed" when certain people were online.
I'd never experienced the fabulousness of black licorice and Jameson.
I'd never been so in love with an accent.
I'd never understood how quickly "nothing" can get turned into "something."
I'd never found the word "soorry" so hilarious.
I'd never been brave enough to tell people how much they meant to me.

I'm sure I could go on and on, but I'm going to leave it at that. Thanks to all of you that were part of so many of my "firsts." I truly love you all more than you'll ever know.
